History Report Statements



History Report Statements

This page contains History statements to help teachers complete end-of-year pupil reports. The statements are categorised to make them easier to browse. Please use our contact form if you have any useful statements we can add to our list.

Chronological Understanding

is able to use everyday terms to describe the passing of time
is able to order some objects or events based upon their period in time
is beginning to recognise that the past can be divided into different periods of time
has used both primary and secondary sources sources of information to find out about the past
is able to recount some stories about of past people and events
is able to recount some significant historical events and he/she is beginning to understand their causes and consequences

Knowledge and understanding of events, people and changes in the past

is able to identify some ways in which modern society has benefited from the achievements of the ******
has a growing/good understanding of why the people in ****** acted and lived the way they did
has compared our lives with those of the people in *****, suggesting reasons for the differences
has used both primary and secondary sources sources of information to find out about the past
is able to recount some stories about of past people and events
is able to recount some significant historical events and he/she is beginning to understand their causes and consequences
is beginning to understand how aspects of our everyday lives have been influenced by people and events of the past
knows the origin of some modern day festivals and events
has a growing/good understanding of what it was like to be a child during *****
is beginning to understand the difference between myths, fairy tales and real historical events

Historical Enquiry

understands the importance of evidence in finding out about the past
recognises that historical evidence can take a range of forms
is beginning to understand that knowledge of the past is based upon what was left behind
gained a lot from our visit to ***** to find out more about the history of *****
has made good use of secondary sources of information to find out about the past
is able to examine and discuss unfamiliar historical artefacts, suggesting ways that they might have been used
has used both primary and secondary sources sources of information to find out about the past
is beginning to understand that there is an element of speculation in much of our knowledge of the past

    Last updated:  11th April 2006


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