Worksheets and resources to support children with dyspraxia.


Dyspraxia Resources

This page contains worksheets, flashcards, links and other educational resources to support children with dyspraxia.


Dyspraxia (Greek: 'bad', 'pertaining to movement') is a malfunction of the brain's ability to organise information regarding coordination and movement. Indications of dyspraxia in children include:

  • An inability to keep still.

  • High levels of excitability.

  • General clumsiness - often bumping into things or falling over.

  • Difficulty getting dressed or tying shoe laces.

  • Difficulty with handwriting or other activities involving hand-eye coordination.

  • Messy eating.

  • Hand clapping or flapping when excited.

Dyspraxia Links

Apraxia Kids  -  Advice, stories, articles and resources for parents or teachers of children with apraxia.
Developmental Apraxia  -  Parent friendly information sheet as well as tips to help children with apraxia.
Developmental Dyspraxia  -  Practical information for parents and professionals.
Developmental Verbal Dyspraxia  -  Apraxia factsheet.
Dyspraxia Association of Ireland  -  General information, membership details and useful links.
Dyspraxia Foundation  -  Resources for sufferers of the condition and for the professionals who work with them.
Dyspraxia Awareness  -  Infomration and stories from the brother of a sufferer of dyspraxia.

Recommended Dyspraxia Book

How to Understand and Support Children with Dyspraxia

Authors:  Lois Addy, Rebecca Barnes (Illustrator)

Synopsis:  An invaluable resource for teachers, teaching assistants and therapists. This practical book offers a wealth of ideas and strategies to support children with dyspraxia, which is difficulty in controlling voluntary movements of the vocal chords, resulting in an inability to control sequences of sounds or gestures. With over twenty years experience, Lois Addy emphasises the importance of understanding dyspraxia in order to provide effective support for children with co-ordination and perceptual difficulties. The book includes: what to look out for to recognise children with dyspraxia; useful checklists for identification; details on the needs and difficulties faced by children with dyspraxia; ideas for support across the curriculum, in particular the areas of; handwriting, numeracy, PE, reading, social skills and communication frequently asked questions about dyspraxia - and the answers!

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Last Updated:  30th January 2006


© First School Years - Dyspraxia